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JoAnna Chase, a Certified Wolfe Deep Tissue Therapist, is extremely passionate about sharing her first-hand knowledge of the science of scar tissue formation and how it is the root cause of many painful and annoying conditions with ANYONE in pain.  As a Bachelor of Arts graduate, majoring in Education with a minor in Kinesiology, she’s confident in providing a valuable foundation in educating people of all ages around the world how to put an end to an epidemic of unnecessary pain, surgeries and medication use.


Her Bottle Therapy and Elbow Therapy techniques, along with her Formula 2-3-5™, are proving to break down scar tissue FAST! These techniques are used not only to prevent injury but to treat a variety of injuries and painful musculoskeletal and circulatory conditions.

It's not rocket science but there is a science to it!
JoAnna has suffered most of the possible sports injuries known to athletic, clumsy children, along with the standard strains and sprains from playing high school basketball, soccer for Trinity Western University, snowboarding, skiing, trampolining with her kids, skidooing…the list of scar tissue formation goes on!
Through 20 years of living in pain, JoAnna tried every form of chiropractic care, physiotherapy and massage. Finally, she met Dr. Darrel Wolfe and discovered what was causing her pain and what it felt like to live without it! Where other therapies fail, Dr. Wolfe’s scar tissue breakdown techniques succeed. Instant pain relief and a dramatic increase to a joints’ range of motion are absolutely life changing.


Having been treated with these techniques, JoAnna became a firm believer in the Wolfe Deep Tissue Technique and was certified as a Wolfe Deep Tissue Therapist in 2014. She has been successfully treating her family, friends and clients ever since.
Knowing most people want to save time and money and still receive effective therapy in the
most convenient way possible, JoAnna got creative with the ancient art of using an object for self-therapy. She used the bottom right-angled edges of a variety of repurposed glass bottles the same way she used her elbow. Through trial and error, a 2oz. Tabasco Sauce bottle was found to be the ideal shape to effectively break down scar tissue, along with being the most ergonomic tool to hold. JoAnna called it 'Bottle Therapy'.


The obvious challenge with using a repurposed Tabasco Sauce bottle is that it is made of glass, and therefore, a safety concern. It has now been surpassed in all its glory, retired to the Therapy Hall of Fame and replaced by its upgraded, fully plastic version, the Bottle Therapy Pain Crusher™ (made in Canada)!


The Bottle Therapy Pain Crusher™ embodies all of the necessary qualities of the repurposed tabasco sauce bottle including the skinny bottle neck that lends to an added reach to most body areas. It has the perfect right-angled edge for breaking down scar tissue, crystallized 

acid and adhesions in the connective tissue and muscles. Plus, you can stand on it without breaking it while rolling the bottom of your feet! 


Yes! This new bottle is a 3-IN-1, multi-purpose tool: a body roller with two treatment ends of differing sizes. The bottom edge of the bottle is used on most of the body, while the bottle “cap” is smaller in diameter and is equipped to tackle the smaller muscles of the face and around finger and toe joints.

At 46, JoAnna now lives every day with the mindset, “Living in Pain is Not an Option”!
She has mastered the art of Bottle Therapy on herself from head to toe and shares her tips and tricks with any one that wants to STOP unnecessary pain, surgeries and medication use!


Besides the "2-MINUTE PAIN FIX TREATMENT TUTORIALS" offered for FREE on this website, JoAnna provides in-person or virtual training for her clients, families, teams and groups. Properly learning the "Elbow Therapy" and "Bottle Therapy" techniques for either self-therapy or to treat someone who is living with pain, has proven to be life giving for many who now consider themselves "addicted to Bottle Therapy"!

Follow along with the tutorials and BECOME YOUR BODY'S BEST THERAPIST for Pain, Injuries and Injury Prevention today!


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